
President phakos: Mr Olivier AUMAITRE
62, rue Kléber 93100 MONTREUIL - FRANCE
Tel: +33 (0)1 49 88 88 74 00
Fax: +33 (0)1 49 88 88 72 88 88
Website: www.phakos.com
Siret's number: 390 584 845 00023

Director of publication

The publishing director of this site is PHAKOS. This entire site is governed by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for written and photographic documents.


The provider ensuring the hosting of the site is the internet hosting company
860-1623 Military Road Niagara Falls, NY, U.S.A. 14304-175
Site designed by graphic studio RFOLIO.fr

I. - Order Form

All orders must be confirmed in writing (fax or letter) on a stamped, dated and numbered document, including the details of the principal, the delivery and invoicing address.

II. - Prices / VAT

Prices are subject to French VAT and any change in the legal rate of this VAT will be implicitly reflected in the price of products and services on the date stipulated by the relevant implementing decree. The total amount including VAT will be increased to take into account the new VAT rate in effect.

III. - Payment - method of payment

Our invoices are payable within 30 days of delivery date, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Goods purchased locally are payable in cash. Payments are to be made by cheque or transfer to our account, in full, the processing fees being borne by the principal. In case of payment by bill of exchange, a flat-rate processing fee of €25.00 TC will be charged.

IV. - Ownership clauses

Our goods remain our full property until full payment, which alone operates the transfer of ownership. The products delivered are guaranteed against any defects in materials or workmanship. Fuses and bulbs, damage due to improper maintenance or improper use are excluded.

V. - Return of goods

The goods are taken back or exchanged after prior agreement of PHAKOS, by written request, on condition that they are at least eight months from the expiry date, for sterile products, and returned in the original, clean packaging without marking or marking. Otherwise, the exchange or return will not be possible. Refurbishment costs may be charged or deducted from the exchange.

  • Less than 30 days : deduction of 10% of the value of the return (plus reconditioning if necessary)
  • Between 31 and 90 days : deduction of 25% of the value of the return (plus reconditioning if necessary)
  • More than 90 days : no return

All products returned for service must be decontaminated and sterilized by the establishment before shipment. Products received that are not sterile will not be considered and will be returned to the establishment at its expense.

VI. - Processing and delivery conditions

General terms and conditions

  • For delivery by Colissimo suivi: Deadline for orders 15h30
  • For orders less than 160 € excl. VAT : 28.00 € of processing + 15 € of shipping and packing
  • For orders from 160 € to 500 € excl. VAT : 15 € for shipping and packaging
  • For orders over 500 € excl. VAT : Free of charge, except urgent delivery

Urgent delivery from you, Independent of the Colissimo service followed

  • Written, nominated and signed request from you. ex : fax
  • Shipping costs at your expense regardless of the amount of the order
  • Minimum flat-rate invoicing of 45 € or more depending on volume and weight
  • Order deadline 15:00

VII. - Important :

Transport and fast delivery companies always deliver packages to the store, during business hours, in 24 or 48 hours depending on the destination, delays are not our responsibility but some can be reduced or avoided by giving us precisely the delivery address on your order form. It is not necessary to have a package sent to a particular person, or in a department, take this parameter into account and ask your store if the package has arrived, unless you use a particular courier also at your expense.

As the various transport companies have been regularly increasing their rates by about 5% every six months for almost two years, it is no longer possible for us to absorb this cost on a small order.

In the case of a regular activity of your establishment, it is possible to place a grouped order allowing you to benefit from free shipping.

Since the implementation of the 35 hours, parcels are picked up earlier in the companies and we are obliged to set the order deadline at 15:30 hours.

For insurance reasons, parcels are collected at PHAKOS, we cannot ship them ourselves to a carrier.